

We accept service of process for our clients. We will serve as a stopgap in the event that your mail from the Texas Secretary of State or other agencies is being returned, or they are unable to reach you. Rest assured that we are here to receive those important notices and documents on your behalf, ensuring that your company is in compliance with the State of Texas.

Secure Online Account

Any service of process or other documents we receive on your behalf are scanned in and uploaded to your secure client portal. We will then email you with the document attached or a message notifying you that a new mail item is available for viewing and download in your client portal. If you don’t respond to our email, we will continue our efforts to contact you until we are sure you have been notified.  You have the option of providing us with up to 3 additional email addresses (for example your attorney, CPA or spouse) in case we do not get a response from you.  Your documents are conveniently stored for 30 days, giving you ample time to download and save them to your company’s records. 

  • Texas Registered Agent

    $99.00 / Years

    Instant registered agent with no hidden fees. Compliance tracking and same-day document scans

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